short talk about an experience of seeing unknown creature, in the city.

2 years ago

unknown creature, do i think he saw something ? yes.. but what? i dont know.
when i first heard this story it was hard for me to believe. so with that said this is one of those u may - [ believe it or not ] type of situations, if u don't believe in bigfoot aka Sasquatch then u probably wont believe there are other land animals living among us that have not been openly discovered.
be sure to check out the rest of the content this channel has to offer, lots of actual UFO content and other worth watching videos.
whos the person asking the questions and video taping ? that's this channel owner & i am asking the questions as if its an interrogation
i ask the questions just as any skeptical person would. if the story did not make sense, or if i thought it was a nonsense story then i would not have uploaded it. its a matter of time until i find someone whos willing to talk about there experience with real alien encounters or at least something else worth talking about etc so stay tuned.. i don't consider this experience to be an alien encounter .. its just an undocumented / unknown or lesser known creature encounter, not a big deal but more rare than a bigfoot do i think bigfoots exist ? yes of course and if you don't, then you wont believe in someone seeing something even less herd of.

find this channel on youtube copy & paste this link

there are some really well known videos here on youtube and now on a few TV shows of people actually getting some of these things on cam. ask for the link in a comment and i will try to find one of the videos and leave a link

here is a link to this guy's youtube channel: i actually know this person in real life & if he wanted to fake a story he would have came up with something more interesting!

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