Goats on the Roof

7 years ago

Goats on the Roof

Located at the Old Country Market in Coombs, British Columbia, goats on the roof is the most famous sod roof building in the world. This market’s roof is home to a handful of goats for most of the year, excluding winter months. It all started back in 1973 when Kris and his wife, Solveig, decided to setup a fruit stand beside the highway. The next year they added some hot food to sell like burgers and the year after that that decided to build a market. Kristian Graatan grew up in Lillehammer, Norway were sod roofs are common. Homes there are often built into the side of a hill with the roof being extended off the hillside. Kris along with help from his wife and sons built goats on the roof and it’s thrived ever since.

During the weekend of the Coombs Fall Fair the grass on the roof was getting quite long. After a few glasses of wine Larry, Kris’s son in law suggested borrowing some goats to put on the roof. Turns out they never ended up returning the goats and they’ve gained a permanent home on the roof.

The Old Country Market is home to 69 flavours of ice cream, a large variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, clothing, jewelry and other shops. Inside the Coombs Market itself a plethora of things can be found. Homemade and artisan pastas, sauces, dried goods, breads and bakery items as well as souvenirs, trinkets and pottery.

Today Larry owns goats on the roof and will rarely take special guests up on top of the roof to see the goats up close.

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