Farmer Dell brought a frozen baby calf home. Part 1

2 years ago

The story starts before this video.Video starts after he got the baby home. Story starts here:
Farmer Dell found a newborn baby calf, still wet and frozen.,it looked dead. He went to it, it could move its ears. He built a fire, burned his empty feed sacks. He always keep them defeat exact in the truck, he burned all of those wood on the fire trying to warm it up. It didn’t start moving around and standing up from that so then he carried it and put it in his truck and got it back right now. But it was still wet underneath, so he brought it home. It got all dry and we gave it 2 bags of colostrum last night. It pooped in a plastic bowl this morning, so we gave her back to her momma. We prayed she would still take her baby back, and she did. Now we are heading home in freezing rain. Oh, yes we stopped by quality feed and got more colostrum to take home and put in the freezer. So we are prepared for next time.

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