The Feast of St. Matthias

3 years ago

We know almost nothing about St. Matthias compared to Judas. While we know the grisly details of Judas’ death (Acts 1:18–19), we are unsure of Matthias’. After his election, the Bible never mentions him again. He seems to be a forgotten apostle. But what is fame to God? He looks to “he who is humble and contrite in spirit and trembles at my word” (Is. 66:2). Judas trembled, but his contrition was without faith in God’s mercy in Christ. He tried to bear his own sin in the form of a noose. Jesus does not say, “see to it yourself,” (Matt. 27:4) but “come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. . . and you will find rest for your souls” (Matt. 11:28–29). Matthias was a witness of Christ’s ministry from John’s baptism to the resurrection (Acts 1:21–22), chosen to proclaim “the kingdom of heaven” (Matt. 10:7) from repentance to redemption and new life. He and countless other forgotten ministers continually announce the truth that no sinner must bear his own yoke, for Christ bears it all and has put sin to death forever in His cross.

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