You've Been Eating Kiwis All Wrong

6 years ago

This Whole Time, You’ve Been Eating Kiwis Wrong
When the average person reaches for a kiwi, usually it’s cut in half and then scraped out with a spoon. Now maybe you’re one of those people who peel their kiwis with a knife or potato peeler but what if I told you this is all wrong, there is a better way.
Now first off who said you should be peeling a kiwi anyway? Did you know you can eat the peel of the kiwi? Not only can you eat it, you should eat it as it contains 3x more fiber than the flesh and will preserve much of the vitamin C content of the kiwi. The peel of a kiwi contains many other nutrients as well as 3 times the antioxidants of the pulp. It’s thought that kiwi peels also contain anti cancer, anti inflammatory, anti allergen properties and protection against E-coli and Staphylococcus which are the biggest culprits when it comes to food poisoning.
At first it might feel weird eating the fuzziness of a kiwi, if you can find golden kiwis they don’t have any fuzz and will make for an easy introduction into eating the peel. After you are used to eating the golden kiwi make your way over to the normal fuzzy kiwi and you’ll actually enjoy the fuzzy texture in no time!

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