10 Houses Built in Weird Locations Part 2

7 years ago

Throughout time civilizations have had to construct their homes in odd places. While I’m sure they have good reasons for doing it, today they have become a spectacle like no other. On this episode we’ll check out 10 Houses Built in Weird Locations Part 2
10. Katskhi Pillar
This lone house on top of a pillar in Georgia dates back between the 9th and 12 century. It was built on top of the pillar as a place for Christians to avoid worldly temptations. Up until 1944 there was no ladder to get up there. So you got to wonder did they just send some food up on a bucket attached to that rope? The world is definitely a different place today.
9. House in a Tree
Now I think it’s pretty cool to live in a tree but what are the odds of this tree holding up long term? Clearly the owners of this home don’t care and built their dream home right in a tree. If you look closely at the bottom this image, you’ll notice this house has a spiral staircase to get up to the house which should make it easier bringing groceries home. There are also visible neighbours around the house which is unique, usually a home like this would be built far out in the woods somewhere.
8. The Lone House
South off the coast of the mainland of Iceland you’ll find multiple small islands, on one of these islands, Ellidaey Island, you’ll find this one and only house. At first you might just think it’s just some loner living out their last days in solitude, but this isn’t the case, this is a hunting lodge.
7. Castlemoor
Castlemoor is a charming cottage house wedged between 2 huge rocks, it was built back in 1861 but back then they didn’t have any building permits which allowed them to build this house.
6.Floating Lighthouse House
This house doubling as a lighthouse, while has a useful function was built in a precarious place. This house only has 2 small rock outcrops to protect it against the elements. You may think this is sufficient but it’s only a matter of time before mother nature takes this house… back to nature.
5. Rock Wall House
This house built into the side of a rock wall, while astonishing, you got ot wonder how much did it cost to build this thing? I’m sure it comes with the added benefit of cheap heating and cooling costs but you only get light on 1 side of your house.
4. Old Mill House
This crusty old home known as the old mill house was built over a bridge on the Seine River in France. Today it seems the only residents are the birds on the roof, the condition of this home makes it look like it could collapse at any moment, it’s seen better days.
3. Xuankong Si House
Built in China in 491 AD this set of residents is often referred to as the Monastery in mid air or the hanging monastery. There are 2 known versions of what this was constructed on the side of a mountain. First it was for defense against marauders and protection against flood waters, the second reason is believed so that monks and enjoy perfect silence. It is said that they are forbidden to hear the barking of a dog, the crying of a child or the call of a rooster. Nowadays caretakers still live there but it’s mostly a tourist attraction. Would you go crazy living there comment down below.
2. Green Roof House
This green roof house in Serbia was built in 1968 by a group of young men who decided it would be a good idea to build a house on this tiny rock. Not sure if it was for relaxing, sightseeing or fishing but it doesn’t seem like the most ideal place to live.
1. 2 House Lighthouse
Here we have two houses being washed out on either side of this lighthouse. I’m sure when they built this they didn’t expect the waters to get this high. At the very least, they have that house to dive into in dire situations.


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Intro music thanks to Machinmasound:
Rallying the Defense:

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