Christ Consciousness in Action Feb 2022

2 years ago

One of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen is the way the Canadian Freedom Convoy 2022 have held the energies of love, unity and peace in their protest for freedom.
It’s given me so much hope to see a movement with the fundamental values of Christ Consciousness sweeping my country, and the entire world, in opposition to the tyranny and oppression of the old patriarchal leaders who find their value in power over and control.
The Freedom Convoy is made up of people from many races, many cultures and many backgrounds. People who have had their freedoms removed slowly and steadily these past 2 years.
On the other side you have government who brought in power over with promises of just 2 weeks to flatten the curve, but have steadily increased their power over over a period of 2 years instead.
These are two different extremes, and there’s a part of me that is not at all surprised to see this playing out.
As the energies of ascension rise and the earth is embraced in higher frequencies than she’s seen in eons, the denser energies are breaking apart. This is affecting the ‘powers that be’ as they see their grip on the masses slipping more and more all the time. Things that were hidden are coming to light, and those that prosper in the shadows are finding it harder and harder to do so as the light shines brightly onto those shadows and they find fewer places to hide and wreck havoc from.
This is not just happening in the outer world, it is happening within each of us as well.
Our shadows will no longer be ignored.
The places and spaces we’ve been avoiding for so long within us are coming up to be witnessed.
The Christ Consciousness grid around the Earth is growing ever stronger. And the light coming in is disturbing the shadowy hiding spaces within us.
The shadows are not inherently evil, or wrong. They are the places where we are most separate from the light.
The shadows have value and show us where we are out of alignment with the light and with love.
The shadows are a symptom of our separation from the light.
I believe that we are all aspects of the divine that broke away from God/Source in order for God to come to know itself thru separation.
As the new age dawns, we are being called to love and accept the parts of us that are separate.
In the world, this means we are called to love and accept those that are out to control and have power over, as well and those that are loving and generous.
When I say love and accept them, I’m not saying its ok to love and accept their actions. Control and power over generally go hand in hand with abuse. That abuse can look like physical violence, it can look like gaslighting, it can look like belittling.
Abuse is not ok, and it should not be accepted or condoned.
What is needed however, is love and forgiveness and compassion for each other and for ourselves.
When we heal on the micro level, it is then reflected in the macro. As above, so below.
When we love and accept our shadows, when we learn from our own darkness, that will be reflected in the world around us as well.
This is why it is so very important to do our own shadow work, to heal our own hurts, to transmute the density within us into light.
Its not about getting rid of our shadows, of healing them until they disappear as if they never were. Its about seeing the innocence within them that has been covered in the dirt and grime of not being loved. Its about forgiving ourselves for the damage they caused. Its about witnessing their pain, their sorrow and their grief and holding them in love, acceptance and understanding.
Its about finding the lesson, the gift within the darkness, that then allows us to step more fully into our power, and to become a more well rounded, healthy, loving person, with fewer triggers and more lasting joy.
Know that you are loved.

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