U.S. Government LIES, LIES, and More LIES!

3 years ago

1990 N.A.T.O SAID THEY WOULD NOT EXPAND IN UKRAINE! 2015 WAR EMINENT WHEN N.A.T.O. EXPANDED! 2022 N.A.T.O. EXPANDS AGAIN AND FIRES ARTILLERY INSIDE UKRAINE! ALSO UKRAINE IS WHERE MONEY FROM USA AND CANADA IS LAUNDERED BACK TO USA AND CANADA LEADERS!!! ALL ABOUT MONEY AND CRIMINALS! Having watched over 30 rather long speeches of Russian President Vladimir Putin, regardless of how he came into power, I attest that he has proven to be sensible and patient leader, as well as being very intelligent. The the onslaught of negative and false propaganda forced on Americans by our own government (I still am affected even after realizing the falseness of it), has made Putin out to be evil, greedy, dishonest leader. Listen to this speech and then decide if you think that is really the case.

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