20 Trees Devouring Things Part 2

6 years ago

Given enough time a tree will gobble up everything in it's path, on this episode we cover 20 tree devouring things part 2.

20. Not the first bike and not the last to be stuck in a tree. Somehow the tire is also stuck in the ground.

19. This rusty old hammock chain was eaten by this tree, you can’t even tell how it was initially attached to the tree.

18. Do you see it?

17. Don’t know what’s more bizarre the wire consumed by this tree or the color of this tree?

16. I wonder what the history (tree) with this one. A whole lot of bark and not a lot of bite.

15. What else would you expect at the cemetree… grandpa is going disappear into the tree soon.

14. While we are in the graveyard we have this tree, claiming all 3, I wonder if they’re related.

13. Here we have a tree digesting not 1 but 2 signs.

12. This bench half consumed by the tree, how long do you think it has been here?

11. Much like the bench this guardrail is getting taken back to nature as well.

10. This one speaks for itself.

9. This tree is growing as if there is no fence there at all.

8. Located in Cambodia, the Ta Prohm temple ruins are slowly getting devoured by this ancient tree.

7. This tree obviously missed the memo.

6. Likely a fire hydrant from early 1900s, I wonder if it’s still hooked up to the city water system.

5. This tree on the side of a busy street in Hong Kong doesn’t seem to care it’s growing on a brick wall.

4. Here we have another bench soon to be completely gobbled up as well.

3. Believe it or not this fallen tree has given birth to 4 new trees.

2. We have a tree that is using this dead tree as a base for it’s growth.

1. Following patchwork pattern of the brick path, this tree has created something really special with its roots.

#trees #devouring #wow

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Intro music thanks to Machinmasound:
Rallying the Defense:

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