“Secret Societies, Cults and the Occult Part VI”

2 years ago

Freemasonry is evil!
Now the vast majority of Freemasons would vehemently disagree with the statement that… Freemasonry is evil!
They would conure that they are a brotherhood…that it is a charitable organization that does good in the world!
And on the surface that appears to be true.
Manly Hall wrote in his book “Lecture on Ancient Philosophy,” on page 433 that states:
Freemasonry is a “Invisible society, a secret and most august (meaning respected and impressive) fraternity. Whose members are dedicated to concealing an inner brotherhood of the elect. One visible, and the other invisible. The visible society is a splendid society of free and accepted men, joined to devote themselves to ethical, educational, fraternal, patriotic, and humanitarian concerns.”
So, Manly Hall writes that Freemasonry is a fraternity within a fraternity…one visible…one invisible.
The visible one (the fraternity that most initiates and the public sees…is the one that does all the charitable deeds and causes the world to look at them as a respected organization.
All the while hiding what goes on in the invisible fraternity which is hidden from the public eye...and the majority of the initiates…

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