Use Alexa to Arm & Disarm a Honeywell System

5 years ago

In this video, Joe shows users how they can use Amazon Alexa to control their Honeywell Security System. By enabling the Total Connect 2.0 Skill and linking their TC2 account, a user can use spoken voice commands to arm their Honeywell Alarm System, check its current status and control smart scenes.

Amazon Alexa is compatible with a Honeywell Alarm Panel through the use of the Total Connect 2.0 Platform. Within the Alexa App on an Android or iOS device, a user can enable the Total Connect 2.0 Skill. This skill is what allows an Amazon Alexa device to work with a Honeywell Security System. The user will need to provide their Total Connect 2.0 login information in order to link their account. This includes their login and password for TC2. By linking their Total Connect 2.0 account, the pathway between the Alexa device and the Honeywell System can be completed. Whenever the user sends a command through the Amazon Alexa device, it will pass through Total Connect 2.0 before being forwarded to the actual alarm system.

There are several functions that can be conducted through Amazon Alexa devices that are sent across TC2. The most notable commands are for arming, checking the current system status and controlling any scenes. By using Alexa, a user can set their system to arm away or arm stay without having to access the panel or provide any system codes. Also, being able to run smart scenes through spoken voice commands is extremely convenient for controlling smart home devices. However, it is important to note that user cannot disarm their system using Amazon Alexa. Being able to disarm through voice commands without providing a passcode would represent a major security risk. For that reason, Honeywell decided to make that feature unavailable.

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