Positive Parenting - Why Kids Misbehave

2 years ago

"Hi! I have a 3.5 year old that is very challenging. He makes everything complicated from getting in the car to walking in the parking lot. Time out doesn't work with him. He refuses. I've taken away toys but that doesn't seem to work either. He gets upset in the moment of me taking it away but goes right back to doing whatever he's not supposed to be doing. He recently started spitting when he doesn't get his way or scream very loud and out of control when someone tries to correct him or tell him not to do something. I don't know what else to do."

Me: Sounds so frustrating! I can definitely help you with those sorts of issues. My Teleclass with Coaching is the best way to go. You listen to the recorded class and then each week we talk and I can give you specifics suggestions.

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