Grow Roses from Cuttings: Complete Guide

5 years ago

I grow roses from cuttings for my small-scale backyard nursery, and I'd be happy to share what I've learned about propagation. Semi-hardwood cuttings under timed mist is my preferred method - and that's the one I'll describe here. I'm always tinkering with new techniques, so if you have any questions about general propagation, I'm happy to reply to comments left below the video.

This one is a bit longer than my usual videos (lots of details to go through), so here's a quick timeline:
00:00 Intro
01:07 Choose semi-hardwood sections
03:35 Cutting supplies
05:24 Leaf nodes (where to cut)
06:50 Rooting hormone
07:29 Stick the cutting
09:02 What about smaller cuttings?
011:02 Check for rooting
013:08 Misting
018:25 Humidity dome or tent instead
020:07 Timeline / up-potting
021:54 Am I allowed to propagate these roses?

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