NEWS: Texes to prosecute Trans Children's Parents as Child Abusers

2 years ago

NEWS: Texes to prosecute Trans Children's Parents as Child Abusers.
well if you're a parent with a trans
child and you live in texas now is
officially the time
to get out and i know that it's easier
said than done
costs money and a lot of people don't
have the resources needed to flee the
state but now is the time to consider an
escape plan because the situation has
gotten very bad in texas to the point
if you are a loving parent and you care
for your trans child you will be treated
as a criminal and it's sad that it's
come to this but unfortunately this is
the reality of the situation and
i don't feel as if people in texas who
have trans children are safe so greg
abbott the governor of texas has
officially directed the state's family
and protective services to begin
investigating all trans children in
and prosecuting their parents as child
abusers he has also instructed all
teachers doctors and caregivers to begin
reporting any trans students they see
now the order that he signed threatens
criminal penalties on doctors nurses and
teachers who fail to report quote abuse
which they are describing as gender
affirming care for trans youth
and that is explicitly laid out so if
you have a duty to report in texas uh
texas is officially saying that you have
to report trans youth to family and
protective services or you risk losing
your job so if you are a loving parent
and you have a trans kid and you do what
anyone with common sense would do and
you seek out gender affirming care for
them you are going to be treated
as a criminal and a child abuser and as
a result child protective services might
actually take your kid away from you
this is state-sanctioned kidnapping
and even if
a court blocks this before
anything bad happens
the message is very very clear we don't
know what's going to happen to be clear
but the message here is very clear you
are not welcome and the state of texas
is trying to criminalize
gender affirming care for trans youth
they're trying to eradicate the
existence of trans children
and the result will be absolutely
it's uh it's like a punch to the gut
seeing this this is happening in the
united states of america
where certain americans because of who
they are
are being hunted
by their state
and this comes after we've heard the
republican party for months screech at
the top of their lungs about the state
taking away the rights of parents when
it comes to school mask mandates when it
comes to crt critical race theory but
now when it comes to gender affirming
just being a good parent they're
treating you as a child abuser
and it's already difficult if you are a
trans child your life will be a lot more
difficult than your cis peers
but this is making it so that way if
you're one of the lucky trans kids to
have actually loving parents
too bad for you as well apparently
according to the state of texas as
strong wind put it most queer kids have
at some point in their childhood
considered the possibility that they
might have to go it alone in case
they're coming out goes badly and now
abbott wants to deprive the trans kids
who do have loving parents of their
family support just evil exactly now
what does gender affirming care mean
specifically we'll talk about what it
means and what the experts are saying
about gender affirming care for trans
youth but this is really raw gender
affirming care can be something as
simple as letting your child socially
transition allow them to dress as the
gender that they identify with more
taking them to therapy that's part of
gender affirming care but what they're
really trying to focus on here
are surgeries which are incredibly
uncommon for trans youth no trans child
no minor is having bottom surgery
but really what they're trying to
eradicate is the use of puberty blockers
which are reversible by the way they're
medically necessary and they allow
children to kind of
make their choice get on puberty
blockers so that way you don't go
through puberty
and you kind of you have more time to
make that decision they're trying to
block that they're saying that's child
abuse here
it's truly just
it's so insane um now before we talk
about the specifics here uh with regard
to gender affirmative care and what this
means i just want to provide
families in texas with some resources
here so if you are in texas the safest
nearby state to go to is likely going to
be colorado and new mexico if you are a
parent with a trans kid and are looking
to escape these issues from ever popping
up again
uh well
any state in the dark green is the best
take a screenshot save this image all
along the west coast i mean you know you
are gonna be pretty safe here now legal
help is costly but um aaron is
recommending that you try to contact the
aclu of texas or land illegal not a
guarantee that they're going to be able
to help you but just something to kind
of keep in mind and if you have money to
spare please please please consider
donating to a family in need who's
trying to leave texas but can't afford
i want to direct you to a gofundme that
i found of a mother her name is violet
and she has a daughter named issa
and they are trying to get out of texas
as quickly as possible i will link you
to their gofundme down below
she acknowledges that this is not a safe
environment to raise her child in and
now that she's essentially being hunted
down by the state she has to get out
please to all of my viewers if you could
chip in a buck or two it will go to this
family to help them get out of this
terrible state so let's talk about
gender affirming care a little bit more
there's so much ignorance here and the
problem is that people
don't know trans people they don't know
anyone with a trans child so they just
make a lot of assumptions based on their
world view based on their
ignorance to this particular issue and
this is something that is absolutely
crucial for trans youth right gender
affirming care is medically necessary
and that's not me saying that that's
what the experts say so last year when
there were a ton of different anti-trans
bills popping up in gop controlled
states across the country they were
trying to ban gender from a care and
then a lot of experts
they spoke out so here's what the aclu
said so they kind of took all of these
uh opinions from experts and they
summarized it so they say medical
experts agree gender affirming care is
medically necessary care that can be
life-saving for transgender youth i'll
read that again life-saving trans youth
know who they are multiple studies have
shown that providing gender affirming
care is life-saving by dramatically
reducing depression and suicidal
ideation so that's basically a summary
of what the experts are saying so here's
what the american academy of child and
adolescent psychiatry say so they
support the use of current
evidence-based clinical care with minors
aacap strongly opposes any efforts legal
legislative and otherwise to block
access to these recognized interventions
blocking access to timely care has been
shown to increase youths risk for
suicidal ideation and other negative
mental health outcomes now here's what
the american medical association says
about this the american medical
association views these bills as a
dangerous legislative intrusion into the
practice of medicine and has been
working closely with state medical
associations to vigorously oppose them
in letters to legislators the ama has
emphasized that it is imperative that
transgender minors be given the
opportunity to explore their gender
identity under the safe and supportive
care of a physician now the american
academy of pediatrics calls bans on
gender affirmative quote dangerous so
the experts are saying it is absolutely
that a doctor a parent and their child
make these decisions together we don't
allow the state to intervene and say no
gender affirming care because again
gender affirmative care is is a really
broad category
by just affirming your child's identity
under texas standards you could be
viewed as an abuser which is insane to
me but let's look at some of the uh the
story so when the arkansas bill was
being debated there was a doctor that
showed up to kind of testify and explain
the effect that bans on gender
affirmative care would have on trans
youth and there's also a testimony from
a young trans man and uh take a look at
what they have to say i just want to
speak from the heart for these kids who
really are the bravest
type a high achieving amazing children i
mean i just can't go on enough about
them and they're just amazing kids okay
and they know who they are and they know
who they are from a very young age just
after this bill passed the house
these kids heard about it i've had
multiple kids in our emergency room
because of an attempted suicide just in
the last week
multiple i've had multiple children do
you know how many phone calls i've had
to field in the last week of children
calling me saying dr hutchison if this
happens i'm going to kill myself
multiple so i guarantee you if this bill
passes children will die
and i will call you guys every single
time one does
this bill will cause human beings trans
beings children's death i can promise
you that if a supportive process had
been the norm when i was a child instead
of this outdated rhetoric the scars of
attempted suicide will not adorn my body
to this day the trauma wouldn't live in
my bones that i work to overcome to this
so i beseech you to please vote against
this murderous bill
the options for transforming healthcare
should principally always be left to the
people themselves and not legislators
so um
the impact that this will have on trans
youth is just
it's going to be catastrophic one more
video that i want to show you this is
from a fourth grader now she's in fifth
grade this was recorded last year when
texas was considering a ban on gender
affirmative legislatively but since that
didn't go through now the governor is
doing it but listen to her story here
hello my name is kai shapley
um i love ballet math science and
geology i spend my free time with my
cats chickens face timing my friends and
dreaming of when i will finally meet
dolly parton
i do not like spending my free time
asking adults to make good choices
i've been having to explain myself since
i was three or four
years old
texas legislators have been attacking me
since pre-k
i am in fourth grade now
when it comes to bills that target trans
youth i immediately feel angry it's been
very scary and overwhelming
it just
it makes me sad that some politicians
use trans kids like me to get votes from
people who hate me just because i exist
god made me
god loves me for who i am and god does
not make mistakes
you should be careful how you treat the
least of these
please just listen to me hear me try to
educate yourselves try to understand
my mom has been giving everything she
has to stand up for me
with these new things y'all are trying
to do
we both are having to advocate for each
other because you are now targeting a
great mom and a great nurse
my mom needs her nursing license to take
care of me and my siblings
bullying is bad please stop
don't make bad choices it's never too
late to turn it around
and i want to say thank you to those of
you who are sticking up for kids like me
by the time i am in college you will be
celebrated in the history books
and now that little girl's mother is
considered a child abuser
when it's clear that that little girl
is cared for well and she's loved by her
but because of texas now
she's subject to abuse
when she looks perfectly happy and
just the politicians
who are trying to make her miserable
it's it's sickening attacks on trans
people one of the most marginalized
communities in the world
are sick enough but what we're seeing
from republicans
is an attack on the most vulnerable
trans youth and it's gotten so bad that
they're trying to criminalize trans
identities criminalize trans youth
and essentially hunt down
loving parents
and possibly take their children away
from them punish doctors and teachers
who don't report this abuse
absolutely disgusting and i have
no respect
for people who don't speak out against
this this truly is something that
everyone should care about this isn't
just a trans rights issue this is a
human rights issue and this is a
violation of human rights
we're to the point now where people have
to flee the state of texas
because of the assault on trans children
let that sink in this is where we're at
as a country and texas isn't going to be
the last state to do this i hope that
this gets defeated but either way if you
live in texas this isn't going to be the
last thing that they do to try to punish
you for being a loving parent so i
suggest you get out if you can i'll be
sharing gofundmes as they pop up this is
again i don't know how to even process
this this is a punch to the gut and i
can't imagine what families in texas are
going through right now
after hearing about this news

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