When Squash is Ready to Pick (Winter Squash/Pumpkins)

4 years ago

How do you know when your winter squash are ripe and ready to pick? I'll go over some of the clues: changes in skin color, firmness of the shell, and the drying/blistering of the stem. Please note that in this video (even though I don't say it out loud) I'm talking about winter squash. All this is different for summer squash, which are picked when still soft.

Also, on the question of the word "pumpkin": that's just a common name for certain squash - and the definition varies from place to place. In North America, we tend define pumpkin as round, orange, and with a large handle - the kind of thing you'd use as a Jack-o-Lantern. Any other size, shape or color is liable to be called squash. In Australia and NZ, I'm told, pretty much all the winter squash are called pumpkins.

The squash in this vid:
Galeux D' Eysines
Winter Luxury
Buttercup (which I called a hubbard type - and yeah it is in the family, but I probably should have just said buttercup)

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