Rose Rosette Disease (Witches' Broom Virus)

5 years ago

If you're concerned about rose rosette disease, let me describe some if the signs and risk factors for you. The rose rosette virus is spread by eriophyid mites in North America only - rose growers elsewhere in the world can be thankful for that, and hopeful that the virus doesn't find a way to jump continents. The main distribution of the disease follows the establishment of invasive Rosa multiflora - a susceptible variety that spreads through much of North America, and acts as a natural wild "reservoir" of the virus. In this video, I'll discuss the symptoms, measures you can take to minimize risk, and what you should do if you find infected plants in your garden.

For sites with loads of photos of Rose Rosette:

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Photo credits:

Rose Rosette Disease on R. multiflora, photo by Kerry Wixted used without changes under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license

Rosa ‘Radcor’ with rosette virus, photo by F.D. Richards used without changes under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic license

Rosa multiflora, photo by 清水五月used without changes under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license

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