Man Child Matt - Billings, Montana Police Officer Matt Frank Bullying People in a Parking Lot LOSER!

2 years ago

Billings Police Department Facebook: REDRESS YOUR GRIEVANCES!

Here is footage captured on a security camera of Billings, Montana economic terrorist Matt Frank showing his character, or more appropriately, his lack of character in the parking lot of a bar. Almost 1 O'clock in the morning, drunk as a skunk, with fellow economic terrorists on scene, Matt decides to kick the mirror of one car as it is exiting the parking lot. Moments later him and his buddies are standing in the middle of the parking lot, being rude and not allowing people to freely travel in the parking lot. He's told to move out of the way and guess what this over grown child does? He strikes the car with his knee. That's the temperament I want to see in police officer! /sarcasm

After he knee strikes the car him and Yellowstone County Sheriff Brandon Smart start to attack the man through his window.

Here is a news story going into more detail of the event.

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