'Full tonto' Putin WARNED Britain will 'kick his backside' as PM to send more weapons to Ukraine

2 years ago

Boris Johnson on Wednesday lashed out at Russia's "increasingly threatening" aggression towards Ukraine.

The PM took aim at the Kremlin tyrant as his Defence Secretary said British troops would "kick his backside" for launching an invasion.

In the Commons Mr Johnson confirmed he would be sending more weapons for Ukrainians preparing to fight for their homeland.

He told MPs: "In light of the increasingly threatening behaviour from Russia, and in line with our previous support, the UK will shortly be providing a further package of military support to Ukraine.

"This will include lethal aid in the form of defensive weapons and non-lethal aid."

Defence Secretary Ben Wallace on Wednesday said Putin has gone "full tonto" over Ukraine - and promised to "kick his backside" if he goes too far.

The former Scots Guards officer said his regiment had "kicked the backside" of Tsar Nicholas I in the 19th Century and "we can always do it again".

Making unguarded comments he said: "Unfortunately we've got a busy adversary now in Putin, who has gone full tonto."

Mr Wallace said the UK has 1,000 personnel on stand-by to respond to the crisis, adding: "The Scots Guards kicked the backside of Tsar Nicholas I in 1853 in Crimea - we can always do it again."

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