Tucker Carlson Tonight 23 Feb 2022

2 years ago

Tonight is all about foreign policy, obviously, as the open door in Ukraine has invited Putin right in. Should we do anything about it? Well... let's see. The time to do something was in the 90's when we pursued NATO expansion for no reason. The time to do something was in 2014 when Crimea was taken by Russia. Now? With a demented, Feckless Idiot as CiC? Now? With an fat, woke POS as Ch. JCS? Now? After conducting a purge of the military and grinding the US economy (esp the energy sector) into paste for the last 12 months? IDK, but I am going to say NO. These "wag the dog" neo cons and neo libs that are driving us toward global control of OUR country are entrenched and they still have time to embroil us in affairs that will destroy us before the next election. No matter how much they cheat, we will sweep them away in 2022 and 2024, but will it be too late? Probably. Name recognition means that many, many, many neocons will get re-elected in a R sweep, or were recently re-elected in the case of the senate. Lindsay Graham and Mitch McConnell aren't going anywhere, sadly. Also, being lectured by this "class" of human about how we need to sacrifice to "defend democracy" in a corrupt oligarchic nation while they all get rich and turn two blind eyes to the dictatorship in China and their impending attack of Taiwan (a real democracy) is stomach turning. Marc Morano from the Climate Depot joins Tucker to explain the energy impacts of what is happening. Later in the show, but discontinuous with this segment JD Vance and Col Doug MacGregor (USA, Ret) join Tucker to discuss border defense inside the US versus the hand wringing in eastern Europe.
Before these two gentlemen, Josh Boswell from the DailyMail joins Tucker to give us a story about good old fashioned political corruption from Indiana by Mayor Pete.
Tonight's important and busy episode ends with an extended clip from Miranda Devine on TC Today on Fox Nation discussing the 2020 censorship by Big Tech and the Biden Crime Family. This is a keeper and a must watch. I would highly recommend that you check out this episode of Steve Bannon's War Room for the unfiltered version of the Nationalist opinion


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