USMC MV-22 Osprey Tilt-Rotor Landing at Coronado

4 years ago

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The Navy’s ongoing efforts to swap out its aging fleet of Greyhounds is going smoothly, even if the new souped-up Ospreys won’t be fully fielded until the mid- to late-2020s.

V-22 Osprey to take over carrier deliveries

A workhorse of the Marine Corps, the Osprey can launch like a helicopter but fly like an airplane, but the Navy’s CMV-22B variant isn’t expected to deliver grunts to the battlefield.

Instead, it will be a top platform for providing what sailors call “COD” — carrier onboard delivery capability. The Navy’s Ospreys will be modified to maximize their ability to ferry people, , mail and spare parts from the shore to underway nuclear-powered aircraft carriers around the globe.

CMV-22B Osprey Long-Range Tiltrotor Aircraft

Long-range tiltrotor
US Navy
The CMV-22B Osprey long-range tiltrotor aircraft is the US Navy’s future variant of MV-22B Osprey assault support aircraft developed by Bell Boeing for the US Marine Corps.

The medium-lift variant will operate as a carrier on-board delivery (COD) aircraft to meet the logistics support requirements of the Joint Force Maritime Component Commander (JFMCC) during time-critical scenarios. It will replace Northrop Grumman-built C-2A Greyhound cargo aircraft that has been in service with the US Navy since the 1960s.

The CMV-22B will be used by the US Navy for transportation of special warfare teams, mail and cargo from shore to its aircraft carriers, as well as for shore or sea-based combat search-and-rescue (CSAR) missions.

Bell Boeing Joint Program Office was awarded a contract to manufacture 39 CMV-22B aircraft for the US Navy in July 2018, under a $4bn modification to the V-22 tiltrotor aircraft advance acquisition contract.

Initial operational capability (IOC) of the aircraft is expected to be achieved in 2021, while full operational capability (FOC) is expected to be achieved in 2022.

CMV-22B Osprey

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