A lot of dead people still registered to vote in Wisconsin

2 years ago


Grassroots activists provided incredible evidence of widespread fraud and failures in Wisconsin’s voter database and its impact on the 2020 election to lawmakers on Wednesday, Feb. 9, 2022.

Data analyst Peter Bernegger presented an hour-long interim report to the Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections. It included specific examples and detailed analysis of the state’s database collected by small army of 1,500 grassroots volunteers. Another 4,000 volunteers are joining the effort in the coming weeks to further develop the investigation.

Millions of voter records obtained from government sources were fed through a “super computer.” The volunteers then scrutinized the results to ensure accuracy.

Some of the more shocking findings include:

Specific individuals who voted twice using multiple voter ID numbers
Voters registered without a first name
Voters registered without a last name
Voters registered without a street address
Voters registered with phony addresses
26 voters registered at one two-bedroom apartment
290 voters registered at a 16-apartment building in La Crosse
19 voters registered at a newer single-family home in Outagamie County
359 voters registered at an address that hasn’t existed for 10 years in Kenosha County
625,000 dead voters on the rolls
4,300 voters with a “99999” zip code
670,000 inactive voters in Milwaukee
264,000 voters in Milwaukee with a 1918 registration date
20,000 voters with undeliverable mailing addresses in Milwaukee
3,400 FIDO (Fast Identity Online) keys that provide user access to the database have been distributed throughout the state
That’s just a taste. Watch the entire presentation from the hearing to find out more

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