Heineken 0.0 Non-Alcoholic Beer Review

4 years ago

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Heineken 0.0 is twice brewed and fermented with Heineken's unique A-yeast from natural
ingredients with gentle alcohol removal and blending to achieve a fruity flavour and slight malty

Heineken Launches ‘0.0’ Non-Alcoholic Beer

Heineken Launches ‘0.0’ Non-Alcoholic Beer

After initially launching in early 2017, Heineken’s first non-alcoholic beer has expanded to more than 30 global markets and is now officially coming to the US. Though not as popular a trend as it is in Europe, the low-ABV and no-alcohol US beer and wine categories are growing.

tasted great. I’m not alone, and while some people detect a slight difference in the finish afterwards, this is a testament to the immense amount of research, effort and resources Heineken has put into crafting what it - and many consumers around the world - consider the best available alcohol-free lager

Heineken 0.0 is an arguably healthier alternative to soda, which has taken on a negative image, full of either processed sugar or chemical sweeteners. Heineken wanted to create a beverage for beer lovers that they can take anywhere, from the sidewalk to the office to their cars, one that competes as much with alternative beverages as with other low-alcohol brews. It seems to be working: Heineken 0.0 has quickly exceeded expectations and become a hot product all around the world, and was just released here earlier in 2019.

A few quick clarifications: in the U.S., beer is classified as having an ABV (alcohol by volume) of 0.5% or greater, and those below this are considered alcohol-free, though few truly are. So, Heineken 0.0 is technically a malt beverage, and I use the commonly-used term “alcohol-free beer” in its colloquial sense. Also, very few “alcohol-free” brews are truly alcohol free, but then neither are a lot of things we eat and drink. In this case, the content of 0.0 is between .02-.03%, virtually nil, and equal to or less than the alcohol content of orange juice and many processed breads. According to the company, you would have to consume 29 liters - almost eight gallons - in just one hour to measurably raise your blood alcohol level.

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