This Made Your Custom Wheels Possible

2 years ago

This Made Your Custom Wheels Possible
Custom "Mag" wheels have been popular for cars since the 1970's.

Improving the efficiency of isolating aluminum from mined ore made industrial-level use of the metal possible.

After at least 5,000 years of limited use, mostly jewelry.

Charles Hall, a student working in his parents garage in Oberlin, OH changed all that. In 1886.

In 1888 he founded the company we know
as Alcoa.

On the other side of the Atlantic, a French Chemist named Paul Heroult, developed the same process.

Known as the Heroult-Hall Process, these two gentleman made
many of the products you use today possible.

How do you lead your Team to innovate and improve efficiency.

With inflation here to stay through 2023, improving efficiency continues to be a Key Strategy for not just scaling your business, but for surviving the current economic turbulence.

There are 3 Categories to keep your Team focused on. First they must thoroughly map the processes they are responsible for.

We discuss these and more examples of how this applies to
YOUR BUSINESS in this Episode of Wolfe's Watch.

Episode #166


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