UNchained: Men Set Free | Q & A Session

2 years ago

On Friday night, January 28th, The Sanctuary Jupiter hosted a one night event for men called “UNchained.” The purpose of the night was to deliver Good News to men who are exhausted, men who deal with guilt and shame and regret, men who have failed to “be all that they can be.” So I invited my friends Nate Larkin and Samuel Downe to join me in reminding a packed room of men from all over Florida and other parts of the country that God loves and uses broken men who fail because broken men who fail are all that there are. It was a night of honesty, transparency, and robust realness. It was a night of freedom!

Two weeks ago we released Nate Larkin’s talk—the first of three talks given at the event. Last week we released my talk. Today we release the Q&A with Nate and me that my good friend Samuel moderated.

I highly recommend that you take some time and ingest this content. I think you’ll find it liberating and deeply refreshing.


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