Disabling Auto-Stay Arming on a Honeywell Vista

5 years ago

In this video, Jorge shows users how to disable Auto-Stay Arming on a Honeywell VISTA System. The Auto-Stay Arming option is available in programming as the *84 field. A user can set Auto-Stay Arming to be enabled across the system, enable it for specific partitions, or disable the feature entirely.

Auto-Stay Arming is a protection feature designed to prevent false alarms. This feature reverts the system to Arm Stay Mode if no entry/exit zone is faulted during the exit delay period after setting the system to Arm Away. The idea is that if no entry/exit zone is activated during the exit delay, then it must mean that someone is still inside the building. If the system were to Arm Away, it would be likely that the user would cause a false alarm by activating an interior sensor. So instead, the system switches to Arm Stay to prevent this from occurring.

It's important to understand the difference between Arm Stay and Arm Away on a security system. Both are relatively standard arming types, but certain sensors respond differently in these modes. With Arm Stay, the idea is that someone is still inside the building. Interior sensors, which typically include motion sensors and indoor contacts will remain inactive in Arm Stay Mode. This was, the user can still move throughout the building freely. But perimeter sensors can still cause alarms.

On the other hand, Arm Away means that nobody is inside the building. An immediate alarm will occur if an interior motion or contact is activated in this mode. After all, there should be nobody in the building, so if an interior sensor is fault, it means there is a break-in. However, these sensors follow a particular logic. If an entry/exit zone sensor is activated first, like normal, then a user will still be able to disarm the system within the entry delay period before an alarm occurs, even if they activate an interior sensor while doing so.


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