Undeclared Nanotech in Pfizer Injections (subtitulado)

3 years ago

Bombshell evidence of nanotech particulates in the Pfizer Comirnaty injection have been found by NZ scientists and has resulted in the government being put on notice.

After being denied a meeting with the Director General of Health and other health officials, the information was presented to a Health Select Committee through lawyer Sue Grey where again attempts were made to stop the information from being presented.

Dr Matthew Shelton talks to Sue Grey about the findings and Donna Pokere-Phillips, a Maori Minister of the People outside of parliament, discusses being part of the event and what the findings mean and why she agrees that the government is now on notice for crimes against humanity.

The fact that the injection includes such ingredients should be of concern to all New Zealanders. (Counterspin New Zealand/Banned.Video) See further video below:

On Friday afternoon, 28/1/2022, Sue Grey, co-leader of the Outdoors and Freedom Party, and Dr Matt Shelton from NZDSOS put the Health Select Committee on notice that serious contamination of the Pfizer vaccine has been uncovered and they needed to act immediately to stop the injection campaign. Director-General Ashley Bloomfield and Medsafe CEO Chris James refused to meet with Grey and Shelton to discuss this new evidence.

Dr Matt Shelton has come forward to disclose the discovery of formations of nano-particles found by New Zealand scientists using specialised microscopic techniques. None of the experts consulted have ever seen anything like this before. None of these contaminants are listed or approved ingredients.

After being ignored and dismissed by the Health Select Committee, Sue Grey interviewed Dr Shelton outside parliament about the contaminated injections.

This encouraged one of the scientists to publish more evidence on Saturday morning, however by Sunday morning the website had been disabled.

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