Bypassing Zones Using a Honeywell Tuxedo Touch Keypad

4 years ago

In this video, Jorge from Alarm Grid shows you how to bypass zones using a Honeywell Tuxedo Touch Keypad. The Tuxedo Touch serves as a keypad controller for a Honeywell VISTA Alarm System. When you bypass zones on a Tuxedo Touch Keypad, you are really bypassing zones for the Honeywell VISTA System itself. Bypassing a zone means that the zone is temporarily being ignored by the system. No response will be taken by the system if a bypassed zone is faulted. But the settings for the zone are still retained by the system. Once you un-bypass the zone later on, it will work as usual.

The fact that the system retains the programming information for a bypassed zone is what differentiates a bypassed zone from a deleted zone. Once you delete a zone, it cannot be recovered, and you would need to reprogram that zone from scratch. But if you bypass a zone, then you only need to un-bypass it later when you want the zone to be active again. This is much more convenient than having to manually delete and reprogram a zone every time you want to disable it for a single arming session and then re-enable it later. You can pick and choose which zones you want to bypass and which ones should remain active. This means that you can set up each arming session in the exact manner that you like.

If you have a faulted sensor on your system, then you will usually be required to bypass its zone prior to arming. This is to prevent the zone from triggering an immediate response on the system as soon as it is armed. But keep in mind that you cannot bypass 24-hour life-safety zones. These zones must always be active for the safety of those in the building. Bypassing is only possible for non-life-safety zones, including burglary and intrusion zones and environmental zones. The Tuxedo Touch Keypad will display a yellow bar at the top of its screen with a message indicating that at least one zone is bypassed. This is useful for informing anyone using the keypad that there is at least on bypassed zone on the system.

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