The Philosophy of Liberty

2 years ago

Our Right to peacefully assemble together, as well as our Right to breathe a full breath of oxygen into our lungs, and to exhale however much carbon dioxide our bodies might then produce, as well as our right to be secure against arrest (being locked-down by our government) without probable cause that we have committed a crime, as well as many other such Rights, are Unalienable. That means those rights cannot be lawfully separated (alienated) from us under any circumstances. Why? Because they're Unalienable Rights (Natural Rights), which, as the Framers recognized, predate any form of government that has ever existed on Earth. Therefore, any law, any dictate ("mandate"), any regulation, any order, any treaty, any agreement, or any judicial ruling which would prejudice those Rights, all of which are secured to us by the Constitution for The United States of America, should rightly be considered an usurpation; an instrument of fraud, and summarily ignored by every American as an illegitimate dictate of an illegitimate government.

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