Don't feel asleep near me | Prank video

3 years ago

There are many kinds of pranks in the world. If you called a friend and said you were the police, that would be a prank phone call. Some pranks can be mean and even dangerous, while others are silly. Some people prank their friends, while others prank people they dislike. Some people never outgrow the need to pull a good prank. A less common meaning of prank is to dress up in a showy or silly way.

Definitions of prank
noun a ludicrous or grotesque act done for fun and amusement
synonyms:antic, caper, joke, put-on, trick
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verb dress or decorate showily or gaudily
“Roses were pranking the lawn”
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verb dress up showily
“He pranked himself out in his best clothes”
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noun acting like a clown or buffoon
synonyms:buffoonery, clowning, frivolity, harlequinade, japery

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