1 Million Views - 200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball [Sep 15, 2016]

2 years ago

MILESTONE: 1 MILLION VIEWS of Eric's 200 Proofs video!
Don't stop here! - continue your journey to explore the real world:

- The greatest lie of all time: https://www.Youtube.Com/watch?V=1tmaup48frw

- The history of flat earth: https://www.Youtube.Com/watch?V=9496sa0cxh4

- Earth is not a planet: https://www.Youtube.Com/watch?V=otynbfdavaa

- Answers to flat earth questions: https://www.Youtube.Com/watch?V=d6lj8ouf9pu

- Dinosaurs never existed: https://www.Youtube.Com/watch?V=xdvkd_z3oeq

- Big bang evolution a masonic lie: https://www.Youtube.Com/watch?V=h85qzfpts6u

- The south pole does not exist: https://www.Youtube.Com/watch?V=oeqiwngi6na

- Gravity does not exist: https://www.Youtube.Com/watch?V=ovhycr3ftsc

- Relativity does not exist: https://www.Youtube.Com/watch?V=wszdbxcg2xk

- Circumnavigation and time zones: https://www.Youtube.Com/watch?V=3q8pzu-_t04

- Forced government indoctrination camps: https://www.Youtube.Com/watch?V=rxy9grem0us

- NASA moon and mars landing hoaxes: https://www.Youtube.Com/watch?V=afycxy_jady

... And many more! Open your mind and realize the truth! Check out our video library and watch the most incredibl

INK: https://youtu.be/-Ax_YpQsy88 - A MILESTONE!
- We are happy to report that ERIC's "200 PROOFS" video has passed the 1,000,000 views mark! When we set out in our journey with the purpose of spreading the word of this incredible and life-changing FACT that we live on a PLANE world and NOT on some big stupid ball spinning in empty space, we had hoped that we can make a meaningful contribution to ERIC's mission of exposing the GREATEST LIE OF ALL TIMES! Now, with great pride, we can confirm that our mission was successful, so therefore we are extremely HAPPY that we've managed to get his most EPIC work out in such great numbers to such a wide audience!

- For the haters, here are the stats: At this moment in time, this amazing video has received a total of 10,431 LIKES, which counts for 60.4% POSITIVE ratings on HIS video! Since most of the stuck-up hard-core "ballers" thought that the overwhelming majority of people took this video with hate and voted with DISLIKES, this may be difficult to accept, because this stat proves that people stopped swallowing the propaganda BS and are waking up from this LIE in order to accept and live with the TRUTH instead!

- Most of the "hate messages" we've got asked constantly about the Likes/Dislikes ratio, harassing us to put out the stats, hoping that the majority of people took ERIC's video with ridicule, however the fact is that the majority of the viewers are open-minded and realized the deception they've been force-fed from childhood and accepted the truth ERIC has exposed and brought to them!

- Since YouTube, along with Google and other search engines, actively hide away ERIC's videos, we ask everyone to spread the link, so others can also find it, learn the truth, and start their own journeys to discover our world for what it is and not what the liars of this world would make us all to believe.

- Finally, we thank ERIC DUBAY, whom we consider our teacher, guide, leader and a good friend, for opening our eyes and giving us the opportunity to join his struggle in this fight that is aimed to enlighten everyone by the truth, better every human being by making them understand our purpose in life, the meaning of our existence, and the importance of the "FLAT EARTH", which can help everyone to see the world in a new way, the real way and the way it truly is!

1,000,670 views Sep 15, 2016
Planet Plane
20.2K subscribers

Planet Plane
20.2K subscribers

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