Salah El-Din Citadel in Egypt part 1

2 years ago

Salah El-Din Citadel is one of the most important landmarks of Islamic Cairo, and one of the most luxurious military castles built in the Middle Ages. Its strategic location on the top of Mokattam Mountain afforded a wonderful view of all the landmarks of historical Cairo. The impenetrable walls around the Islamic capitals of Egypt, along with the Citadel, provided more protection against the siege.

Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi began building this castle on the Mokattam mountain (572-579 AH / 1171-1193 AD) in a place known as the Air Dome, but he did not complete it in his lifetime, and Sultan al-Kamil bin al-Adil completed it (604 AH / 1207 AD), so he was the first to inhabit it and made it a home The king, and remained the seat of the rule of Egypt until the reign of Khedive Ismail, who transferred the seat of government to Abdeen Palace in the Khedivial Cairo area in the mid-nineteenth century.

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