Near-Death Experience - Alon Anava - Whatever You Do In This World Echoes In Eternity

3 years ago


“Each one of us has his place in the world. Each one of us has things we need to do. And every deed that we do affects the whole world; every deed, every action that we do — negative or positive — affects the entire universe. That’s the power we have. We have the power to completely change and affect the universe.”

“I came to sell you something. Yes, I’m a salesperson. I came to sell you life insurance… But not the type of life insurance in this world; life insurance for the other world.”

“When you leave this world, you’re not taking nothing with you — nothing but you’re good deeds. You’re not taking money; you’re not taking nothing. You can only take your good deeds and the Torah that you studied. That’s it.”

“When you are standing in front of those judges, everything is just weight. Sometimes a small deed is worth so much. Some small deed that you do in this world can change completely how you are being judged. There are so many little things that you can just do. Just give a smile to another person, be nicer to your wife, be nicer to your kids, be nicer to another person. Be honest…”

“Whatever you do in this world, echoes in eternity.”


Watch the original video here:


Before his near-death experience, Alon Anava, a Jewish man who grew up in Ra’anana, Israel, describes himself as rough, rude, mean, and not a nice person. After his near-death experience, Alon says he was transformed into someone who was nice, calm, courteous, and soft spoken. Whereas before he was a highly trained martial artist, now he attends Yeshiva studying every day, exploring the depths of Torah, refining and elevating himself on a daily basis. Alon also claims to have returned with the ability to connect to God in a way that allows him to connect with others and help them overcome their questions and concerns. During his free time, he shares his near-death experience and what he learned from it. Alon is also a photographer and web designer.


Alon Anava on NDE Stories

Alon Anava Website

Alon Anava on Facebook

Alon Anava on YouTube


Portions of Alon's story are included in:

The Purpose Of Life As Revealed By Near-Death Experiences From Around the World

500 Quotes From Heaven


Learn about near-death experiences:

What Near-Death Experiences Teach Us

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NDE Stories

Near-Death Experiences From Around The World

Historical & Cross-Cultural Near-Death Experiences

The Purpose Of Life As Revealed By Near-Death Experiences From Around the World

500 Quotes From Heaven

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