Can We Make Any Improvements in Our Societies? Or Is This the Best We Can Do?

3 years ago

In this video, I discuss whether we can make improvements in our societies, or if this is the best we can do.

I am shirtless because I want to be as transparent, authentic, and vulnerable with you as possible. Also, the natural and wild state of my hair, beard, and body are representations of my deep connection with nature.

I encourage you to assess the outcomes of your life, of the state of the people, other earthlings, and the planet. Are you content with the outcomes we have created so far as a collective?

Change begins from within. If you want to create peace on earth, start with creating inner peace. We have a personal responsibility to grow ourselves and pursue the inner work if we truly want to see lasting changes in our lifetimes.

In this video, I briefly examine the outcomes of our food production, our water usage and efficiency, our air quality, how we make decisions, how we communicate with each other, and the personal freedoms we deserve.

Please leave a comment if you want to add any other topics you believe need to be discussed during the process of improving our societies.

I didn't mention the generation and usage of energy. That's a big one! Is it clean? Does everyone have access?

Thank you for watching and joining me on this journey. If any of this resonates with you, please share this video with your friends and family.

We have strength in numbers, but we all need to agree that things ought to change.

#createachange #improvesociety #kendallhailstone #isthisthebestwecando #worktogether #unite #freedom #worldpeace #sustainability #vulnerability #authenticity #innerpeace #fromwithin

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