911 No Planes Compilation

2 years ago

People often say, if there were no planes, then people would know. First, most people in New York are walking fast with their eyes looking straight ahead or at the ground as they move about. I've been there, I've seen how NYC operates. People aren't looking up in the sky. Second, even IF you knew there was no plane, what are you going to do about it? Do you think the news is going to air your story? Of course not.

So that brings us to the video. Are all of these angles and videos of the towers exploding doctored some how to remove the plane? And if someone was hell bent to create this narrative, why aren't there videos of anyone saying there aren't planes, aside from the one I've seen of a guy on the ground that day who was interviewed, and when he said that, they cut the interview?

Why are these videos taken down from the internet? Why is there so much censorship now of the alleged truth? I don't concern myself with crazy people yelling on the corner as you see in big cities, so if this is so crazy, then why is the State so bothered by it?

Do you people really believe that when fascism and communism take over that they vote on it with the people? They are honest and use no false flags or lies to achieve their goal? It's time to wake up and be responsible citizens and start asking questions.

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