Message to fellow Canadians

2 years ago

In this video I discuss the very disturbing events that have happen in Canada recently. Canada was once a great example to the world and now it is heavily divided. In this video I tried to discuss the true heart of the issue which is risk tolerance. Many are focused on if mandates are good or bad but the true question should be what is our risk tolerance.

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Zahabi's Favorite Triangle Chokes (discount code triangle20)

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In this video Coach will be teaching you the best triangles and triangle drills Jiu-Jitsu has to offer, your triangle game is about to reach world class levels.
The triangle is one of the most statistically used finishes in both Jiu-Jitsu and MMA! This is a must know manoeuvre! You also know the Coach Zahabi Love’s wrestling and this video contains not only triangle chokes from the bottom but also Triangle chokes for when a wrestle is in on you on a single leg or for when a wrestler is inverting from bottom side control, make them regret grabbing your leg. Coach also covers a move taught him by legend Braulio Estima, this is a very little know side control triangle from bottom! The set-up is all detailed in this video, your opponents will either let you escape side control or get Triangled trying to hold you down.

In this video you will learn

The most important Jiu-Jitsu Triagnle drill (This will help you legs develop a mind of there own)
How to Jump the Triagle
How to lock you legs correctly
How to counter the most common escape
Why and How to maintain correct distance control
The Secret to getting an “Air Tight” Triangle
How to stop them from stacking you whil eyou have a Triangle
How to stop them from passing to side-control
How to pass there trapped arm
The keys to shrimping correctly
How to break their Posture
How to get to Clamp Guard
The Key to Jumping the Triangle
When to go to Omoplata
The Trap door triangle
How to Peel defensive Grips
Hand fighting your way to triangle
Getting to the snap down
The easy way to hit the flying triangle (anyone can do this)
Butterfly Sweep to triangle
Braulio’s Genius triangle from side-control bottom
Triangle vs inverted opponent
Triangle vs single leg.

And so much more! This video is packed with details!
This video runs for over 1hr with zero dead time or fluff! You get the equivalent of what you would learn in a 5 hour seminar! Coach loves to get straight to the point. You will waist zero minutes watching this video. Every single minute in this video is educational. Coach Zahabi uses his Unique Madden Style illustration and coaching. You will learn many key gems that will take your game to the next level!

See why Coach Zahabi's teaching style is favoured by many around the world!

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you can now Stream or Download the video!

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