Falling Off the Gluten or Plant Based Wagon Earth Momma Living

2 years ago

(I teach this same mindset with going plant based)

When you get it, you never look back or WISH you could eat gluten again. HOW? I see so many moms out there post in our discussion groups, "I saw that doughnut/gluten hamburger bun/cinnabon/thing and I just had to eat it... anyone else feel that way?"

How do they change this line of thinking? What changed to get to this instead: "I don't even crave it anymore. I only look to how I can make or buy foods that make me feel GOOD. Thank you, Jackie for your guidance and making it easier." (paraphrasing)

Here's what I did with them (The Formula):

1. Why do you want or need to be gluten free (or whatever thing you are moving away from)?

2. What did it feel like when you had the problems, symptoms?

3. How can you bring back to your mind this aversion you had back then? Photos, notes, situations (specific!)

4. Anytime this feeling of lack comes up, bring out your #3 items

5. NOW bring out the positive reinforcement about what changed and how you feel so good now. What are your miracles? Mine were: Asthma and my hypoglycemia practically non-existant now. You WILL have miracles.

6. Hold it until the negative preference vanishes, and it will.

7. Rinse and repeat.

NOTE: While this system absolutely works, you must put forth a lot of effort and commitment to accomplish this. And by the way, this works for anything that you don't want in your life.

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Social media/contact me:
Plant Based Gluten Free Living FB group: http://bit.ly/PBGF-living-page

Earth Momma Healing page

Jackie Olmstead's Vip List sign-up: http://bit.ly/EML-VIP

What is Polarity Therapy? https://polaritytherapy.org/

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