Saville 9th Circle

2 years ago

More and more people's awakening to this information is a major contributor to why "they" played the corona-bullshit-virus assault on the entire planet. Yes these crazies have that kind of power. When you own most of the gold and you are friends with the people who operate the financial system for half the planet then you can basically tell every government to go along with your agenda or else war will be waged upon them. That's the corona "virus". Remember, Corona in Latin is defined as CROWN. These people work together to maintain control over humans, they view you as nothing more than cattle.

I don't like having to come back around to this topic but it's important for those whom are just now waking up to understand WHY corona "virus" was played on humanity, it was an act of dominance over humans who were becoming a threat due to increased consciousness and awareness, so the fear boogeyman had to be unleased on humanity to whip humans back into submission.

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