Declaration of Natural Rights

2 years ago

Our right to breathe a full breath of oxygen into our lungs and and then exhale all of the CO² out of them without interference; our right to peacefully assemble with one another at any distance we may choose; our right to practice and exercise our religion; our right to speak freely and express our intent and emotions to others; our right to keep and bear arms in order to protect ourselves, our property, and our Liberties; and our right to be secure against arrest (e.g., home detention) without probable cause that we have committed a crime, as well as many other such Rights, are unalianable, which means those rights cannot be lawfully be taken away from us under any circumstances. Why? Because they are essential, Natural Rights that predate any form of government that has ever existed on this planet, and they cannot lawfully be separated from us by any legitimate government that is functioning in accordance with our nation's Constitution, which was specifically intended to secure these and other Natural Rights forever.

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