Seven Signs in John: Seventh Sign: Lazarus Resurrected (Jn 11)

3 years ago

The proposition of this sermon is to believe in the resurrection for meaning, morality, hope, and salvation. As in the other sermons in this series, the proposition is supported by examining the five textual features that define the textual units of the seven miracle narratives in John: the time marker (section divider), festival, saying(s), discourse, and prologue theme(s). These textual features interpret the miraculous sign of the literal and physical resurrection of Lazarus as a prophetic parabolic act that symbolizes Jesus’ death and resurrection as a penal substitutionary sacrifice that saves believers from their sin. The meaning of the sign is that people should believe in the resurrection to be saved. The implications of the sign are that belief in the resurrection provides meaning for life (1 Cor. 15:29–32), moral motivation to live ethically/righteously (1 Cor. 15:29, 33–34), and hope to endure the sufferings of this life (1 Cor. 15:12–19).

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