What is PAX Gold (PAXG) | PAX Gold Crypto Explained

2 years ago

PAX Gold - PAXOS brings gold to the blockchain with it’s gold-backed digital asset PAX Gold. PAXG crypto provides the benefits of both digital & physical gold ownership.

PAX Gold Token (PAXG) - $PAXG is a highly accessible ERC-20 token that allows for fractional ownership, and can be easily moved or traded anywhere in the world.

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Backed By Real Gold - Each PAXG token represents one troy ounce of a London Good Delivery gold bar, linking its value directly to the real-time physical gold price.

Redeemable - PAXG tokens can be redeemed for LBMA-accredited gold bullion bars. With allocated gold bars, customers receive ownership rights to specific bars held in the precious metals dealer’s vault.

Serial Number Lookup - Customers can lookup their allocated gold with a unique serial number, which identifies the value, purity and weight for each gold bar.

Paxos Platform - Using the Paxos Platform, customers can easily convert PAXG tokens to allocated gold, unallocated gold, or fiat currency while reducing exposure to settlement risk.

WEBSITE: https://paxos.com/

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