Dr. Robert Malone: CDC Hiding Data: "The Blood is on Their Hands" 'This is Scientific Fraud' 2-21-22

3 years ago

"They [CDC] are admitting they've been lying to us." "This is scientific fraud."

"Now we find out, the underlying data that the medical community has been relying on... the data that's been used to justify the attacks we've had from the licensing board, all this blow-back... the censorship on TWITTER, FACEBOOK, and all these ATTACKS FROM THE PRESS... has all been because the CDC has been hiding all the data that would verify what we've been saying all along."


"The CDC Isn't Publishing Large Portions of the COVID Data It Collects." NY Times

" They're [CDC] admitting, they've been lying to us by withholding data the same as Tony Fauci has lied to us again & again about flattening the curve, mask use, about what it's going to take to reach herd immunity..."

"You got to come clean or deal with the consequences."

"This is Scientific Fraud." A whistleblower may soon blow this open.

Samuel Scarpino of the The Rockefeller Foundation: "The CDC is a political organization as much as it is a public health organization... Politicians have forced us to commit scientific fraud."

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