Michel Chossudovsky | The Pandemic's Global Impact | Guns & Butter

2 years ago

Source: http://gunsandbutter.org
- Michel Chossudovsky describes sweeping restrictive measures applied in Quebec, including a generalized curfew
- Issue of fundamental human rights
- Destabilization of civil society and economic activity leading in some cases to famine
- Two different testing procedures for identifying viruses are discussed
- CDC and WHO no longer endorse the PCR test
- Difference between a genetic sequence and a virus
- Canadian government funding of massive testing is creating a fiscal crisis
- Heavy indebtedness due to March 2020 lockdowns
- Gates and Soros have patents on tests according to Forbes
- Complex overlapping alliances of sectors of Russia and China with the WE
- Banking industry in China opened to the west via its entry into the WTO
- Head of China’s CDC, George Fu Gao, part of Event 201 simulation
- Nature of capitalism in China
- Composition of the Chinese Communist Party
- 1960s Chinese Cultural Revolution; social structure in China based on Confucianism

Aired: February 16, 2022

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