February 22, 2022

3 years ago

**TOSSED lol.. I was called "out of order" at tonight's Bennington Selects Board meeting. I know, big surprise huh? 😂 I got another police escort out 🙂 Big shout out to BPD officer Ross Harrington for being a gentleman, having to do the towns dirty work. The citizens board should also be commended for trying + they, WE are being placated again. The issues and problems with the BPD are with THE TOWN. The town IS the BPD and can no longer be allowed to check themselves. Internal affairs for the BPD is the BPD!
Tonight's meeting was literally about the police, trust, transparency and how EVERYONE needs to have a say and everyone should be allowed to be heard.. except ME or anything against them and their false narrative. THEY start the suppression and trying to limit my First Amendment before I even start. I end by requesting the immediate resignation of the Bennington Co. sexting Sheriff Chad Schmidt and ALL OF THEM!!!Sorry, you will have to wait for CAT TV to broadcast the meeting.. didn't go live again tonight; go figure!
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