Silver & Gold -- It's Gonna Be Biblical

3 years ago

The great Patrick Gunnels, of Reading Epic Threads (RET) narrates my campaign blog article, Silver & Gold. This explores how and why we must end the illegal Federal Reserve Bank (Fed), bringing about a "Jubilee" and returning to the Gold Standard.
For Convention of States fan, I throw water on the Balance Budget Amendment (BBA), simply because it is predicated on controlling the printing press of the Fed. By returning to the Constitution, the Fed is ended and the BBA is moot.

If my article resonates with you, please like and share widely. Part of making this a reality is for people to think and talk about the pros & cons and further finesse my points.

The full episode, in which Patrick reads several other great articles and threads is here, and my article starts at the 59 minute mark.

The original article as read by Patrick:
And the primer:

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