Juanita Broderick - Yes When Bill Clinton Raped Me There Could Have Been A Demonic Entity Present

2 years ago

Join Deborah Pietsch and Juanita Broderick for a unique conversation that explores different aspects of her life altering experience of being raped by Bill Clinton, Juanita's life, like so many others, was forever changed in 1987 when she was shocked by a brutal attack by someone she was "supposed" to trust.

Her newly launched book, "You Better Get Some Ice Put on That, How I Survived Being Raped By Bill Clinton" is her story of being "Forced out of the closet" not by her choice to expose her attacker.

We also talked about the possibility that Bill Clinton, who was running for Governor of Arkansas at the time, could have been or had a demonic entity present during the rape. She shares things he said to her as he was walking out the door, as well as her journey of "post rape" experiences.

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