Worship Official Grown-ups! How Can You Have Any Social Credit If You Don't Eat Your Beyond Meat?!

2 years ago

On 1/24/22 Rooster Caffeine and Sauros Rex delved too greedily and too deep, and disturbed that from which they fled, Civilization's Bane. As the world falls down, this is their story.

Why worshiping the official grownups of society is a mistake, complete with a peppering of examples both past and present. Make no mistake, the professional expert class consists of the most competent civilization wreckers known to 'peoplekind.' Or make all the mistakes you like, what's it to me?

Along the way, we'll meet false prophets, bad shepherds, Henry VIII's Nubian Queen from that show, and totally original bumper music, even though this isn't even on the radio! Surely there's nothing new under the sun, except that last bit.

Yearning for even more? Ingrate. How dare you?! Nonetheless, our illustrious Man From The Future returns, and this time he's armed and dangerous! Prepare for a Kurt Cobain practice shot to some very precious conceits. Metaphorically.

As ever, we run a class joint.

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