Conspiracies No Longer Theories, Part 11 The Universe & It's Inhabitant's, By Janine Linehan

3 years ago

Welcome to Part 11 Universal Inhabitants. A very special Thank you to Dr. Rita and her amazing research on the Asuras and devas and the spiritual war for the Amrita, Your voice is so beautiful and your message so clear it resonated so true to me. Please go check out her other research and her website, I am truly grateful to find this page of many truths. And look forward to working again with you in the future X
Dr. Rita Louise

I just wanted the public and content creators to know that for every clip I use, I have tried to find the content creators and have emailed those that I have found, Please let me No if you find any of your work inside any of my videos and I will credit you also, there is a lot of work out there recorded over, so if you haven't been credited for your work, it's only due to not knowing who to credit!! I do not steal the truth my only job is to expose it where ever I find it, I am just trying to get it out there! I am fighting in an information spiritual war, I use content that has the potential to wake up our people, from our enslavement! Please contact me at my email address, and let me know which clip is yours, so I can go back and credit you or remove your content altogether! I do not steal as I have gained nothing but the truth which I believe should be free to all humanity! no one should be the copyright owner of the truth!! My only gain is trying to save others by bringing all truths to the surface!
I only use clips that have inspired, woke, or related to me spiritually in any way that I believe will help wake others! I am making NO MONEY from what I see and feel as the TRUTH! I work all day every day for FREE! I do not ask for anything or any credit, my soul's purpose is to help humanity and wake others! I do it SOLELY TO WAKE THE VIBRATION OF OUR FAMILY LOVES ONES AND NEIGHBOURS!
I do not expect any money from the truth as the truth should be free for all. If any creators of any of the content found in any of my compilations are not happy about sharing their truths. Please email me

Hi, my lovely truth-seeking light-seed warriors. If you have found my video it means you too are seeking the same answers I have been looking for and have only recently found.

In this video, you will see proof of the Galactic Federation at work! Stopping a cargo lorry dead in its tracks. You will see
Spaceships, Aliens, many U.F.O's the truth behind Alien Abductions, also Alien Nanotech implants removed after Abductions, the links to Sleep paralysis, the original E.B.S from Vrillian and the federation of light, warning humanity in 1977 of what was to come over the next coming years all 100% factual and mind-blowing to see and hear, and so much more. So much footage that blew my mind and awakened my soul, even more, that I could not wait to share it.

As you are probably aware we have been in a spiritual war since time began, (watch all 3 parts to 6) in every culture we hear of these wars from the book of Enoch, Clash of the titans, Hindu war gods like Shiva, and the fight for the Amreti between the Devas and Asuras!
Hinduism is the oldest of the six major world religions. The original name in Sanskrit for Hinduism was Sanātana Dharma.

The Hindu belief is that gods or divinities can take many forms, but all form one universal spirit called Brahman.

Many gods are worshipped in Hinduism. Each Hindu god is said to be a different part of the supreme God Brahman.

Both male and female deities are worshipped with equal reverence in Hinduism

But when we look into every biblical text, all stories seem to be similar, being the sky God's against the Serpents
Or Giants against the gods.
Every light seed has been fighting the dark in every dimension throughout time.
On Earth's Matrix, we have been programmed into a life of all debt and no magic, yet all our real history proves we are manifesting magical beings dumbed down to be enslaved by a material world of greed and need!

We have been brainwashed into believing that we can only use 10% of our brain to purposely limit us and defuse our magical abilities, it's time we take them back!
Our creator would not give us such an important tool and limit us in any way! Time to open your mind to the full capacity and see, we are not alone, and we never were! We have been lied to in every way, shape, and form.

To think it is just us earthlings in this vast expanding never-ending universe is very naïve, when it is said that Earth is the learning Centre of our cosmos, we are babies in this matrix in comparison to other species in their knowledge and technologies of the world. We don't even no if there is space, whose to say we are not just one flat earth on a plain of other worlds. Part 2 will be out soon and new information is coming out daily. We will get that clear picture soon.

While the world is scared of a fake pandemic, a war for Earth's real estate and our consciousness blood and spiritual energy is at risk. Many different beings have been fighting for us since the beginning of time! God's children have been suffering at the hands of evil for as long as we can trace history.
We are finally reaching the end of this biblical era. History will finally stop repeating and we will finally get back that Amrita!! (immortality) We were created to be Immortal the devil stole our Amrita. And soon it will return in the way of medical pods to regenerate us (also mentioned within)

Time to see who the real Saviours are so we can thank them for the 1000 years of peace that's coming to our people and is just around the corner.

In This Video, we will explore our many cousins on different planes of existence, that have been fighting for our freedom while we sleep blissfully unaware of anything. While we are worrying about our bills man-made fake illnesses or our material gains, other species are fighting for our very existence!!!

I know that when we enter Earth's atmosphere we lose all previous memories of past lives or our missions ahead, to solve our puzzles and live a life of choices, our choices then help us to evolve further in our Soul paths to enlightenment or devolve depending on what choices we make! Our free will then determine where we evolve or reincarnate next.

making this documentary I didn't realize the mass of my personal spiritual growth, I also discovered so many truths concerning my soul history.

I always knew I had a connection to the Pleiadeans, mermaids, fairies, unicorns, cats, and dogs, and all nature being on land or at sea. I always remove spiders from my house with a kind heart and do not kill anything for any reason. I am drawn to all beings of light, I also have a very loving, honest calm nature. I always fort for the vulnerable and never understood all the excuses for wars and hate! I am constantly fighting for world peace throughout my life through my gift as a writer! I have known all my life that I am spiritual and have stated for 40 years spirituality is my only religion. Living by the spiritual laws of the universe throughout stating that Diane Cooper's spiritual laws of the universe are my only Bible!

My nickname growing up was Cat & Lion. When researching our spiritual heritage, there is no doubt in my mind that I am originally Lyran and have also lived on the Pleiades. From a young age, I have been given signs even tattoos to remind me who I am. I am Lyran who has had to adapt on many planets after the destruction of my own leaving all Lyrans in need of a new home. I also had a cat tattoo, that faded and needed covering up, I covered this cat with a mermaid. When researching I discovered that when Lyrans lost their home planet they found a new home in the Pleiades and Siren which is where mermaids also come from, and most animal spirits and is also another click to why animals and children are always drawn to my energy. (also my profession as a carer for 22 years children and elderly and all disabilities)

When researching the Lyran cat race (Thundercats) my daughter looked at my phone and noticed the lion lady picture and said mum that's you! (Displayed in the documentary) I told you, you are an alien.
My daughter has come through in this life as my spiritual guide and has revealed many answers, along her 6-year life journey, being able to see the spirit world, she answers many questions concerning losing my Mother and Father. She has been telling me all along throughout her life that I am an alien. And to not worry mummy as not all aliens are bad! She assures me that I am one. And I am now being activated into remembering who I am!

(A little background information on Lyran race)
I know from The that the main battles in human Galactic history were fought in the constellation of Orion, and so these many wars are also referred to as the Orion Wars. However, in our Universal Time Matrix, the wars started over territories in the constellation of Lyra (The Cradle of Lyra). The Lyrans are the advanced races that created the Elohim in the Avatar Matrix. But soon the Lyran Wars spread to the constellation of Orion, and it became a war between False King of Tyranny mind-sets and ideologies ideology of the Service to Others which follow the Law of One. Essentially, this is the seed of the war over consciousnesses between Christ and the Anti-Christ. That is still an ongoing war to this day!
Does that sound familiar to today's very fight??!!

From this video we will be able to learn who is friend and Foe In this Spiritual war, we will discover who we can trust and who to be wary of in the universe and the input each being has to helping the world end all evil.
Time to thank our off-world families for all their blood sweat and tears in helping humanity survive an extinction.

The Galactic Federation of light and the universal laws have been broken. The Grays E.T's and reptilians have been the species causing the most chaos. The Sirens, Pleiadeans, Nordics, Arcticians, Andromedins, and the Alpha Centurions are all a part of the Galactic Alliance as are we!!

In this documentary, we will study the truth behind their existence and their roles in the universe!

We will start this documentary by proving their very existence and then educate whose benevolent or malevolent in the universe. It's better to know who to trust when we Master our astral travels and meditation.

For tips on who to ask to guide you on your astral travels if you ask For Master Kuthumi, who has reincarnated throughout our history many times to help humanity evolve. He now has moved up in his soul evolution and is a universal ascending master.
Kuthumi has healing hands. He is working with souls who can connect to the cosmic heart so that they can heal others. He will help anyone interested in developing spiritually. He reveals the truth without any kind of judgment.

How to connect to the energy of the Ascended Master Kuthumi
Kuthumi helps people to connect and develop their spirituality. You can call on this ascended master to strengthen your connection and to obtain knowledge and wisdom. He will help you to transform many areas of your life and encourage you to work from the light. He will lead you on a pathway to self-discovery. Kuthumi encourages compassion, kindness, joy, and patience. He encourages grounding and connecting to earth energies. If you are feeling down his energy will uplift you and help you to love life and enjoy every moment.

Who is the Ascended Master Kuthumi
The Ascended Master Kuthumi is one of the Lords of the Seven Rays, the golden ray. He is known as the World Teacher and is in the office of Christ Consciousness and Lord of Compassion.
He will walk among humankind.
He has had several incarnations, here are some of them:

1) Egyptian Pharaoh Thutmose III (Menkheperre Reign: 1479-1425 BC)
2) Egyptian Pharaoh Ramesses II (Usermaatresetepenre Reign: 1279-1213 BC)
3) Pythagoras, the great Greek Initiate (numerology, Gematria)
4) Balthazar, one of the 3 Zoroastrian Magi
5) Saint John the Beloved, the one closest to Master Jesus
6) Saint Francis of Assisi (1182-1226 AD)
7) Saint Martin de Porres (Lima, Peru 1579-1639 AD)
8) Shah Jahan, builder of The Taj Mahal in India
9)Kuthumi Lal Singh, Indian Kashmiri Prince 19C

He is the Doorkeeper of the ancient occult mysteries. He is co-protector with Archangel Michael of the holy grail, which is the mystical quest of self-understanding and mastery. He is the Hierarch of the Brotherhood of the Golden Robe, those who take on the burdens of the world. The six-pointed star of David is his symbol, bringing the perfect balance of mind, body, and relationships.

I hope this video brings you many answers and fills in many dots, I am loving every subject I have researched so far, and it has led me up to this very moment where every dot is nearly filling up the whole picture. Activation mode on! The ending is also a very special dedication to my heavenly angels my earth parents who are protecting me throughout this war, who I miss more than words can say. Love you both
Thanks for watching please leave your thoughts in the comments like and share. Time to welcome our off-world heroes safely home.

A very special thank you to David Zublick, for all his help in getting my truths to the world and into the light, The white hats, the Federation of light, and every being of light that has helped humanity.

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