Revival breaks out in South Mexico (San Pedro, Tabasco State) - Thousands come to Jesus

2 years ago

Thousands came to Jesus, this being the start of COVID, March 2020. This strange Pestilence broke out here. We seen several healed from COVID. Including me, Joey. I nearly died here lying in a hammock. I had no medicine, just Jesus. Pastora Gomez said, “eschucha mi eho, (listen my son), you dont play here, we have no medicine, you BETTER learn to PRAY here, not American Fast Food drive through prayers, but 8 hour sessions of kneeling and repenting with our Lord Jesus, an intimate time. THAT saved my life. Was NOT a time of condemnation but hours of getting transparent with Jesus asking for his cleansing, deep, careful repenting. Daily repenting.

Following video will show a lady worshipping and she literally coughed out a tumor, in front of my feet. It rocked my Doctorate of Theology degree!!! LOL

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