Pick a Card-Daily Tarot

2 years ago

Card Meanings

[#1] 7 of Swords:
You are being asked to be more aware of your surroundings. Someone is being deceitful or secretive. They may try to make off with something of yours. This could be a material items or maybe even try to steal your heart or your pride. Just be aware and pay attention if someone tries to steal your heart, this isn't a bad thing.
[#2] Death:
Change is happening and with change comes new beginnings. You have a cycle ending in yoir life and you are ready to transform and do things differently. Embrace the change even if it feels hard. Things happen in Divine order and by Divine timing, this is a good thing, be open-minded.
[#3] 8 of Swords Reversed:
You are coming out of a tough situation and are finding some relief. You have been maybe dealing with some serious stress, anxiety or depression but are now finding the freedom from this punishment. You found the strength to break free and stand up for yourself. Be proud of this step towards happiness and freedom.
[#4]Chariot reversed:
Right now you are lacking some direction in your life, maybe even because you lack some self-control. Find a solid foundation to build on and stay focused on the task at hand. You are experiencing obstacles and some frustration but remember this is only temporary. Revisit your plans and adjust the steps to make reaching your goal easier.

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