ALL New Messages on BIT CHUTE first

2 years ago

ALL New Messages on BIT CHUTE first

Important news Heart Dwelling family

We have an extremely important message on our new Bit Chute channel: Still Small Voice. From now on we will be posting all our messages there first before Vimeo and there will be messages that are not on Vimeo but will be on Bit Chute. Just to make sure you find us the spelling is Bit Chute.

I am so looking forward to getting to know each of you when you post comments. I really miss interacting with you. So please, go to Bit Chute and after listening to the video, please like it and subscribe and if you have something to share, I would love to see it in the comments.

I have missed you terribly since we left YouTube. I have felt so disconnected, so please do comment and subscribe so we can share together once again.

I love you all dearly and the Lord Jesus has some very important things to tell you on our Bit Chute channel.

See you there!!!

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